Hard Drive Problems
It’s 7am, you’re about to start your day, you turn on your computer to check the morning’s emails when it happens… Disk Error! The message immediately sends you into a panic. How did this happen? What do I do? What is a Disk Error? Calm down, it’s only a warning.
Disk errors, hard drive failures, ambiguous messages that threaten your workday; They’re all manageable. In most cases, a disk scan and some software updates will resolve a lot of your problems. There are however, times where being proactive and on top of regular computer maintenance can save the day. Standard hard drives have a life expectancy of about five to seven years with expected 5 to 11% annual drop in performance within the first 4 years.
Be proactive, research a new solid-state hard drive and increase the performance and longevity of your PC. Solid State Hard Drives or SSDs, are faster, have a longer life expectancy. Over the last 3 years, the cost of these drives has dropped substantially. To get the best performance out of your PC, start by upgrading this. We guarantee you’ll appreciate the immediate, noticeable change in performance.
Need help with a new hard drive? Contact the experts at Kinetisys!