Black Friday Tips
During the Black Friday Deals, remember to keep your credit / debit card safe. I’ve had my debit card hit by fraudsters 2 times in the last year and I practice good habits. Here are some good tips. Remember to activate your card right away and sign the back. Don’t listen to people who tell you not to sign it. Keep your account number private. I don’t like sending all my credit card info over emails.
Especially all the numbers, the CVV code, expiration date in an email. Scan your computer machine for key loggers, malware and virus’. These are 3 different can’t of hackers that can steal your information. If you think your machine is acting up, and doing funny things. You might have been hacked. Call Kinetisys, and we can scan your machine to see if it has. Keep your Malware/ Virus software up to date. Install all your Microsoft Windows update. This prevents holes in security hackers might have taken advantage of. Don’t click on the email from a friend that says “hey look at this” or something that you know your friend wouldn’t have written. Here is a link from Bank of America that can help keep your credit cards safe throughout the holidays.